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    Where faith and knowledge meet!

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    Where faith and knowledge meet!

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    Where faith and knowledge meet!

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    Where faith and knowledge meet!

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    Where faith and knowledge meet!

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Upcoming Events
MLK Day of Service/Mass of Unity(SC_ 9:10 a.m.
STAR Testing Makeup Day
Kindergarten Conferences NO CLASSES FOR KINDER ONLY
CKRS Wine Event
10:00 AM CKRS Open House and Continental Brunch
9:00 AM Opening Mass Catholic School Week
Catholic Heritage and Cultural Awareness Day & Luncheon (8th Grade only)
7:45-8:30 Parent Appreciation Day I Donuts with Grown-ups 8:30-9:00 K-4 only Vocabulary Parade
7:45 - 8:30a.m. Parent Appreciation Day II Donuts with Grown-ups 5th-8th only 8:30-9:30 Brain Bowl
Teacher and Staff Appreciation Day: Teach-in/Teacher Turn around Day for 8th Graders/CKRS Spirit Wear Dress Down for all.
Student Appreciation Day: 8:00 a.m. Dance Party~ Red White & Blue Day~ Dress down in your team color…Candy Bar BINGO/Early Dismissal Day 12:35-12:55 l/No Aftercare/PTA sponsored Skate Party for all grades

News & Events

Front Office Hours
8:00am - 3:30pm
Principal's Hours
By Appointment Only

Reporting Absences

To report an absence, request early dismissal, or change in transportation, please call the main office at 856-429-2084 and select option 3. 

Questions for the Nurse

If you have questions for the nurse,
please call 856-216-7759.

Middle School Athletes

Middle School students have medical requirements for playing any sport as mandated by the State of NJ. Please click here for details and this link for the required form.